New Jersey, Delaware to Promote Awareness About Sikh Community in U.S.

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“Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month” to promote public awareness of the faith, recognize the community's contributions, and combat anti-Sikh bigotry in the United States.
Two U.S. states are trying to spread awareness about the Sikh community among the public. Delaware and New Jersey will observe April as the “Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month.”
The move has been made in recognition of the contribution made by the Sikh community in the U.S. states. “The month of April of every year is designated as ‘Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month’ in the state of New Jersey in order to promote public awareness of the Sikh faith, recognize the important contributions of the Sikh community, and combat anti-Sikh bigotry,” the resolution said, PTI reported.
The New Jersey State Senate and Assembly passed a joint resolution designating April of every year as “Sikh Awareness and Appreciation Month” on March 26. “It is highly appreciable and we thank the US administration, the New Jersey state administration, the US Sikh Congressional Caucus Committee, East Coast Coordination Committee and others for joining hands to make this happen,” Pritpal Singh, coordinator American Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (AGPC), said, the Times of India reported.
Delaware Governor John Carney said in a proclamation that the state of Delaware seeks to further the diversity of its community and afford Delawareans the opportunity to better appreciate the rich history of Sikh Americans, PTI reported.
Carney said that the Sikh community through their incredible service to the society have earned great respect. Throughout April, the members of the public will be made aware about the ideals of Sikhism and what it stands for, the governor said.
“Sikhs and Indian Americans are welcome in the state of Delaware with open arms,” Carney added, according to the report.
“The Sikh community of Delaware has always been involved in efforts aiming to enhance understanding and respect among people of different religions,” the resolution stated, adding that the state stands with the community in denouncing hate crimes directed towards any individual on account of their religious beliefs.
It added that many industries in Delaware, especially the retail, automobile repair and service, food, education and research, healthcare, transportation, and information technology industries, have significantly benefited from the contributions of the Sikh community.
According to the resolution, since September 11, 2001, nationally, Sikhs have been subject to school harassment, employment discrimination, and fatal shootings, including the murder of six Sikhs in the Oak Creek, Wisconsin Sikh Gurdwara shooting on Aug. 5, 2012.