Indian Consul General’s House Robbed in Durban: Report

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Robbers broke in and took away jewelry while Dr Shashank Vikram's children were present at home.
The house of Indian Consul General Dr Shashank Vikram in Durban, South Africa, was robbed on Nov. 16 while his family was held at gunpoint, according to reports. Dr Vikram’s 5-year-old son was held hostage while the robbers did away with jewelry and cash, local media reported.
Dr. Vikram’s whereabouts at the time of the incident were not clear, although Times Live said that the gang of armed men barged into the house and held him and his son at gunpoint. According to IOL, however, Dr. Vikram’s wife, Dr. Megha Singh, his two children and a domestic help were at home when the incident took place.
“A 36-year-old victim and his son were at their place of residence when unidentified suspects entered. The victims activated a panic button and locked themselves in the bedroom,” Lieutenant Colonel Thulani Zwane told News24.
Zwane was quoted as saying by IOL: “Vikram’s 5-year-old son was reportedly held by one of the robbers while the men ransacked the house and threatened Vikram’s family with a gun. Jewelry was taken and the suspects fled. No arrests have been made at this stage.”
One of the guns used was stolen from a security guard stationed at the house.
“Using a bakkie‚ they stopped at the front gate of the premises they derailed the gate. They gained entry and they held the guard at gunpoint after they disarmed him. They demanded cash and jewelry and after taking some stuff they left,” Zwane said, according to Times Live. The publication added that department of International Relations and Cooperation spokesman Clayson Monyela condemned the incident, saying, “This is highly unfortunate that a diplomat became a victim of crime while on our soil. We will leave this in the hands of the police and we are confident that the police will bring those responsible to book.”
On the same day, another break-in and robbery was carried out in an “upmarket” locality where another child was held hostage. Multiple break-in and robberies in daylight have been reported in Durban during the past week.