Bigger India
World Economic Forum ranks India 30th on manufacturing index, says demand for its goods rising
Among BRICS countries, India is ranked behind China but is ahead of Brazil, Russia and South Africa.
The World Economic Forum on Friday ranked India 30th on a global manufacturing index, which measures which countries are best placed to benefit from the changing nature of production due to improvements in technology. As many as 100 countries were included in the “Readiness for the Future of Production Report 2018”.
India was ranked 30th on the structure of production, or the baseline of production in the country today, which takes into account the scale and complexity of production. Among BRICS countries, India is ranked behind China (which is at fifth place) but ahead of Brazil, Russia and South Africa.
All countries were also ranked on the drivers of production – which include the level of technology and innovation, human capital, sustainable resources, demand etc. India was ranked 41st on this parameter.