Watch The Novel

Never got around to reading R.K.Narayan’s masterpiece Malgudi Days? Never fear. Now DVD buffs can sit back and view the novel rather than read it! The intimate stories of the people of Malgudi comes alive in a TV series directed by Shankar Nag and made in English. The
series was first broadcast in 1986 and was said to be true to the spirit of R.K.Narayan. The producers have dusted off those 13 TV episodes and transformed them into a two disc collectors set. So click the remote, sit back and enter the surreal world of small dreams and hopes, bittersweet and so seemingly true, that you must be surely convinced that the Narayana’s fiuctional town Malgudi really exists. So renowned has this fictional town that the University of Chicago Press has published a literary map marking the location of Malgudi. RK Narayan died at the age of 94 in 2001 but Malgudi lives on. (Narayan’s brother RK Laxman is the noted cartoonist and illustrator and he has embellished many of his brother’s stories with sketches.) The TV series was critically acclaimed and had had the stamp of approval from Narayan himself who wrote to the producers, “I found the storyline was faithfully followed, the characterizations were superb, the background and atmosphere were enchanting. I see that your team has worked with earnestness which has resulted in a product which I should call a miniature masterpiece.” |