Should Celebrities Have a Right to Privacy

The trials of being Salman Khan
Bollywood stars prance and romance heroines almost half their age. And no one fliches.
As someone who grew up in Pali Hill — Mumbai’s Beverley Hills — with neighbors like Dilip Kumar, Meena Kumari, Pran, Sunil Dutt, Nargis, celebrities were a everyday reality, but with a difference. They were invisible. You saw them on the silver screen, read and dreamt about them, discussed their roles, movies, looks, clothes and romances at length with friends and waited breathlessly for their next release. They hardly ever ventured out in public or mingled with the hoi polloi and remained pretty much, in purdah.
This conscious and pre-meditated isolation, privacy and distancing from fans and the public (learnt from the Hollywood Studio-managed star system of the forties and fifties) paid rich dividends. It bestowed upon them a unique unattainable aura, a seductive mystique, a romantic elusiveness and huge curiosity value, which rumor and gossip ignited into the realms of popular imagination, big time! Excitement and awe blended for the celeb-struck lesser mortals, in maniacal proportions and if perchance, any of these sublime creatures came into public view or — omigawd! — personal contact, it was sheer rapture, bliss and ecstasy rolled into one.
Can this amazing cloak of anonymity be possible in today’s times? Can the tantalizing enigma of romance and mystery even begin to take shape in today’s media and paparazzi-driven era? Could the legendary Queen of silence, Greta Garbo ever dream of uttering her deathless line “I want to be alone,” and be taken seriously? Never!
Why? Because the gorgeous and iconic Garbo was the product of an ancient and powerful Hollywood system that forced its stars into a code of silence. It made great business sense. Anyone who dared to break the rule would have hell to pay. By contrast, today’s free-wheeling media bury alive any semblance of silence, invisibility or distance. There is neither awe, fascination, admiration or tolerance for celebs who aren’t willing to come out and play, let it all hang out, do the full-monty!
Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogs, personal websites, with open-door chat rooms, 24x&7 Reality Shows are some everyday public platforms for the famous celebs who want to appear ordinary — and vice versa. Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt laments this insane intrusion and erosion of mystique and aura: “Mystery and enigma are two of the most powerful and magical components that constitute stardom, elements that fire, color and dominate the imagination of their fans in indefinable fashion. Stars are supposed to create magic. Fans are supposed to be in awe of them. Mingling with the common man will destroy this magic and strip them off their charisma. Familiarity breeds contempt.”
He believes, today that halo is missing “thanks to the tabloidization of the media getting bolder and entering the crevices of the celebs personal space. Consumerism, across the board, is the new insatiable monster. Nothing is sacrosanct anymore.”
But the age of enigma and mystery relating to celebs is a thing of the past and can never swing with today’s times. Today’s Gen X want to get up close and personal and know what’s with you, your work, your life.
Not everyone agrees. Says a veteran director “I find this whole business of social media, both intrusive and childish. Intrusive because it deals with sharing the minutest, dumb, boring, irrelevant details of your life. Childish because, it assumes the whole world will curl up and die if you don’t reveal to them the name of your favorite brand of cookies … or whatever! How corny and insecure can you get?”
Fact is, we live in a voyeuristic and exploitative society. We love to eavesdrop and peep into other people’s lives and thanks to technology, it’s not an impossibility any more. Where there is voyeurism, can exhibitionism (as defined by the overpowering Selfie) be far behind?
Today, tons of people are perfectly willing to sell their bodies, soul, families, kids for that fleeting 15 minutes of fame. From the hottest celebs to Mr. Nobody, everybody is dying to be noticed. Insult, humiliation, embarrassment, shock, disgust, pain — The Moment of Truth, Sach ka Samna, Big Boss, Emotional Atyachar, every thing — flamboyantly marketed on television to gigantic captive audience, enthralled and entertained all the way,
As consumers, we feed this frenzy by constantly demonstrating our desire to sample the life of celebrities, both old and new, in quirky, weird ways, the sicker the better. We then move to Youtube, the perfect setting of exhibitionism, bogeying with voyeurism! Nothing is outrageous or exploitative; everything is entertainment. We seem to play out our lives in a strange world where tragedy can reap generous rewards, and deep, personal problems can be marketed and sold and it makes total sense to let go a child for a day to get hold of a new play station.
And to think that once upon a time, there truly was thrill and romance in the unspoken and mystery wasn’t something that you googled or ogled the idiot box shows for the right answers. Ah well, waqt waqt ki baat hai …