Resolution Introduced in U.S. House of Representatives for India in UNSC

United Nations Security Council Chamber in New York
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Indian American Congressman Ami Bera and Frank Pallone introduced the legislation to support India’s permanent membership to the UN Security Council.
Two American lawmakers, including Indian American Congressman Ami Bera, introduced a legislation in the US House of Representatives to support India’s permanent membership to the United Nations Security Council on Sept. 26.
The resolution was introduced by Congressman Frank Pallone, the founder of Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, and Bera, who is a Vice Ranking Member on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the longest serving Indian American in Congress, PTI reported. It would put the House officially on record in support of India’s bid.
“As the world’s oldest democracy and the world’s largest democracy, the United States and India share common values and a growing partnership on many fronts, especially defense cooperation,” said Bera.
“India plays a critical role as a strategic partner for the United States and is a pillar of stability in South Asia. The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council reflect the world as it was 60 years ago, and it’s time we recognize India’s role increasing global prosperity.”
Locking a permanent spot for India on the UN Security Council would reinforce democracy around the world, he added.
“At a time when international relations are being redefined, we should acknowledge and empower those nations that share our enduring core values,” Pallone said.
Having countries that recognize the dangers of terrorism in the UN Security Council is in the interest of the United States and the rest of the world, he added. This will reinforce the military power of the nations with respect to democracy and pluralism.
“India belongs on the UN Security Council and it is imperative that Congress makes this clear to the Trump administration and the world,” Pallone said.
A Congressional statement said that the UN Security Council still reflects the world when the United Nations was created in 1945. Though the organization has grown from being a 51-member body to nearly 200 now, the Security Council still refuses to reflect the changes. The five permanent members of the council are the United States, the United Kingdom, China, France and Russia.
The bill was introduced on the last day of the UN General Assembly session in New York.