Pakistani Men Sexually Exploiting British Sikhs Girls: Report

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The research has found verification demonstrating a history of predominantly Pakistani grooming gangs targeting young Sikh females for over 50 years.
British men of Pakistani origin have been targeting and sexually exploiting British Sikh girls for decades, Indian Express reported.
The newspaper, which quoted from Daily Mail report, said that dominant gangs of Pakistani men have preyed upon young Sikh women, subjecting them to all kinds of sexual abuse.
A Sikh group called Sikh Mediation and Rehabilitation Team charity showed in their report, “The Religiously Aggravated Sexual Exploitation of Young Sikh Women across the UK,” that the police has ignored the facts even after having prior knowledge about the sexual abuses, Daily Mail reported.
It further notes that Sikh women have been subjected to stares by ‘fashionably dressed adult Pakistani men traveling in flamboyant vehicles to predominantly Sikh dominated areas and schools,’ the publication wrote.
The report says that the issue started as early as in the 1970 but the facts have remained unnoticed and that needs to change. The charity report claimed that it is not a ‘witch-hunt against any individual, community, culture or faith’ but the picture of the reality of the community that has a long history in the British soils.
The report picked up a storm as Labor MP Sarah Champion asked for a thorough investigation into the matter after the report was published. ‘I was shocked when I first heard about the organized abuse of Sikh girls by mostly Pakistani men,” Daily Mail quoted her as saying.
She added, ‘When I started speaking to Sikh women, I could not believe how widespread the grooming and abuse was – and that this has been going on for decades. We need to speak of the abuse of Sikh girls to take it out of the shadows and make sure the authorities take it seriously.’
Champion, the MP from Rotherham also said, ‘There needs to be a full investigation into the systematic abuse of Sikh girls.’
The Sikh report also said that ‘the research has found verification demonstrating a history of predominantly Pakistani grooming gangs targeting young Sikh females for over 50 years. The over-representation of such perpetrators in selecting non-Muslim victims would appear to be indicative of a wider acceptability in certain sections of the community towards the targeting of young females from outside of the Pakistani community and/or Muslim faith.”
The report has also accused the government of not doing anything about the matter. “Due to the failures of law enforcement agencies and local authorities in addressing the problem, such networks have continued to flourish,” it said.
Citing the case of an 11-year-old who was jailed for imprisoning a Sikh girl in Slough, the report adds to the picture of sexual abuse that Sikh women go through in the country.
A 1980 report has claimed that Muslim men have been constantly after Sikh men to the point of using them “as sex slaves.”