Number of Indian Professionals on the Rise in Germany

Bike taxis in Frankfurt city, Germany
In the first half of 2016, over 20 per cent of EU blue cards issued in Germany went to Indians.
The number of qualified professionals from India in Germany is on a rise. A large percentage of blue card holders in Germany now comes from India.
In the first half of 2016, the top five nationalities that received the European Union (EU) blue cards were India with 22.1 per cent, followed by China (8.7 per cent), the Russian Federation (7.9 per cent), Ukraine (5.3 per cent) and Syria (4.7 per cent), according to the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
“Germany leads the field among all EU countries when it comes to issuing EU blue cards. Germany issued 85.5 percent of all EU blue cards that were granted EU-wide in 2015. France and Poland took second and third place, respectively,” said a statement from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees The figures on the EU blue card in Germany are evaluated by the Central Register of Foreigners in Germany.
The population of Indians in Germany in 2017 is 169,602, the Ministry of External Affairs said in the Lok Sabha on Dec. 27. The number of overseas Indians in Italy is 197,301, while Belgium has 18,404 Indians.
The statement from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees also revealed that 8,670 EU blue cards were issued in Germany in the first half-year of 2016, up by 17.8 percent compared with the same period of the previous year, when 7,363 cards were issued. The number of blue cards issued in 2014 and 2013 was 11,848 and 11,290, respectively. In 2015, Germany issued 85.5 per cent of all EU blue cards that were granted EU wide.
The EU blue card enables third-country nationals who are university graduates or who have a comparable qualification to receive a residence title for the purpose of employment suiting their qualification. It is a residence permit which, when issued for the first time, is valid for a maximum of four years.
Germany saw the highest level of immigration and the highest positive migration balance since 1992 in 2015. “In comparison to the previous year, immigration increased by 46 per cent to 2.14 million arrivals,” stated the 2015 Migration Report. It showed that the number of Indians who migrated and got selected residential permits for employment was 4,968 in 2015, making the largest number. The corresponding figures for the United States and China were 4,719, and 2,959, respectively.