I FULLY CONCUR WITH YOUR “A Glance Away,” (May 2007). It truly hreflected the exact sentiments I was going through during the Virginia Tech incident. I am an Indian-born Muslim living in the Washington, D.C. area. Immediately after the tragedy, as I was tuning on the car radio for more information, there already were speculations about the perpetrator being possibly a muslim terrorist from a nearby mosque. I was silently praying that it was not someone from the Islamic faith and heaved a sigh of relief when it turned out he was a non-Muslim and non Indian! The first wave of immigrants to this small, isolated country came as indentured servants and laborers in the 1800s, but the Indians settled there now are a prosperous and fast growing ethnic group. It is great to read that the first generation Indian-Kiwis are reaping the benefits of their parent’s hard work, sacrifices and dignity. The New Zealand-born Anand Satyanand appointed as the Governor-General by Queen Elizabeth II, is a good example. Now that Indians are well-accepted in New Zealand, more of them, including white-collar professionals, are migrating to this booming, laid-back, country primarily because of better opportunities than back home. All of this makes one wonder now that India’s economy is growing faster than ever, does it mean fewer Indians will leave home to succeed elsewhere? Will India try to hold on to its valuable resources? The Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) retained a relatively unknown consulting company, North Star Consultants, Inc. to “manage” the accounting details of the transactions. The company reportedly operates from a private home in San Diego. A financial advisor to CPA head Paul Bremer, retired Admiral David Oliver, responded to a BBC World Service interviewer, “I can’t tell you whether or not the money went to the right things or didn’t, nor do I actually think it’s important.” This is yet another example of the blundering, incompetent, and criminal behavior of the US-led CPA and their task masters in Washington who played fast and loose with Iraqi assets to enrich war profiteers and the U.S. puppet government in Baghdad. Guantanamo would be a good place for these dangerous bureaucrats to spend the remaining time on this planet. Perhaps water boarding, sleep deprivation, snarling dogs and exposure to non-stop kirtan might inject a modicum of reality and remorse before their divine master beckons. Indian professionals are emerging as a force in all areas of American life, including the seedy areas, such as bribing politicians, securing sweetheart deals. We have our ranks of successful and convicted Indian businessmen, who you should also profile. I have attended a Hindu temple here in Atlanta for 17 years and interacted with hundreds of Indian men and I had never heard anything about this until you brought it up. I have learned very valuable, even life saving, information from Indians. I revere your culture and am very proud of your accomplishments. If worrying about this foolishness is all you have to do with your time I suggest you find a healthier outlet. India is the second most populous country on earth, so the Indian man are pretty virile. |