Bigger India

Hindu’s in Coppell ISD want Diwali to be a district holiday

Pillai said here in the U.S. there are so many religions that do not get the same consideration as others and that it’s time they do, as it will bring equal opportunity for all.

Diwali is known as “the festival of lights.” During the November celebration, dlay lamps are placed throughout the house, which has been thoroughly cleaned, to signify the destruction of evil or negativity, as described by the Hindu American Foundation.

The Hindu residents of Coppell Independent School District submitted a request to make the religious festival Diwali a school holiday along with an online petition on with currently 1,741 signatures.

Coppell ISD drafted a standard statement until the Board of Trustees finalize the calendar on Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. Their current statement stated that they allow students to submit a excused absence for missing a religious holiday during the school week and receive one make-up day in return.

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