Gurgaon: Corporate City

The once backwater village in Haryana is now littered with the campuses and offices of major multinational corporations of every stripe and industry.
DLF Cyber City, the epicenter of the outsourcing sector in Gurgaon, on the outskirts of Delhi, built by India’s largest real estate developer DLF, boasts of 15-million sq. ft. of workspace for the world’s leading corporate houses, such as IBM, Microsoft, GE, WNS, ESPN, RBS, Wipro, HCL, etc. The once backwater village in Haryana is now littered with the campuses and offices of major multinational corporations of every stripe and industry. Armies of call center and technology workers swarm into the tech city every day, driving its economy, overrunning its shopping malls and food courts and swarming into every public sphere.