Domestic Workers Should Be Hired Without Involvement of Mediators, Says Kuwaiti MP

Kuwait City
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The fee of KD 990 to employ a domestic worker is exorbitant, Kuwaiti MP Omar Al-Tabtabaei said.
The Ministry of Interior of Kuwait should open counters at the Citizens Service Centers so domestic workers can be hired without mediators being involved in the process, MP Omar Al-Tabtabaei said, the Arab Times reported.
The fee of KD 990 to employ a domestic worker is exorbitant, as hiring an employee without the involvement of mediators would cost only KD 350, Al-Tabtabaei added.
The lawmaker had earlier written a letter to the government, suggesting that a committee should be formed comprising representatives from the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs and Al-Durra Company for the employment of domestic workers, Al-Rai reported. The parliament discussed the letter in February. Al-Durra is a company that supplies manpower in Kuwait and provides skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled workers.
Al-Tabtabaei said in the letter that the committee should also have a party which is concerned with the actions of Al-Durra Company and brings up the issues faced by them.
Another member of parliament of Kuwait, MP Mubarak Al-Herias, said that any organization if found involved with “domestic mafia” must be held responsible by the concerned minister, according to Arab Times.
Al-Herias pointed out that members of the mafia group visit countries supplying domestic helpers, and work out agreements with them. However, the government does not take any actions against them.
In December last year, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Kuwait gave a nod to the average rates suggested by the Foreign Ministry to employ domestic helpers from several countries. It was announced earlier in April that in order to hire a domestic worker through the government accredited offices, a person will have to pay KD 990.
According to a decision taken by Khaled Al-Roudhan, Kuwait’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, people who want to handle the process on their own will need to submit a copy of the domestic worker’s passport, costing KD 390, as per Arab Times.
The rates are fixed and not subject to change, a statement from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry said, adding that the violators will face legal action. The decision will come into effect for a trial period of six months, pending re-evaluation.