
Dim Witted President

Rogue Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan has written a blistering column in the Daily Jang ridiculing former Pres. Pervez Musharraf as a “dim wit” with the qualification of an “attendant” who was mistakenly appointed commander-in-chief.


Khan, who is a national hero in Pakistan for pioneering its nuclear program, but who was publicly humiliated and put under house arrest by Musharraf for selling nuclear secrets to North Korea, Libya and Iran, wrote: “Our bureaucracy and sycophants play a large role in making these false gods into God. Musharraf is F.A. pass (high-school equivalent), a qualification, which we use to employ attendants. By a mistaken promotion, he became our commander-in-chief. It nauseated us to see such a dim-wit lecture the highly educated and the experts on economics, education, foreign policy, commerce and industry. And they would bow in front of him and wag their heads and exclaim at his intelligence.”

“There was this rumor going around about Musharraf that he complains to his Army friends, ‘I am saddened to see that if uneducated people cannot understand my arguments, it is ok, but even educated people cannot follow me.’ The reason is obvious. The ability to pull the trigger of a gun and the ability to make an intelligent statement are clearly different.

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