Bigger India
The case for the samosa as national snack
Khichdi is passé for sure. This country should instead try the triangular piece of sheer bliss
There was a debate recently on what should be India’s national dish or item of food. Someone came up with the tasteless (pun intended) and absurd idea of khichdi. Really? This bland and colourless mishmash of rice and lentils as our national food? All it does is to remind you of your sick- bay days when you were advised by doctors and sadistic members of your family to consume it because it is “light” and “easily digested”.
On the one hand you are bed-ridden with no contact with the outside world and not much to look forward to for the day, and then comes khichdi. A watery mixture of overcooked cereals, the fun-sucking stuff that still tastes bland even after copious amounts of desi ghee and heaps of mango achaar. I vote a thunderous no! for khichdi.