Be Your Own Financial Planner
Set/Revisit your Goals Define a Plan
People don’t plan to fail, they usually fail to plan. If you want to go to a place, you better know your directions, otherwise you are sure to get lost. It is as simple as that. Similarly, if you have set your goals, you better work on a clear and concise plan to reach them. Let’s define a plan by taking a simple goal. The goal is to buy a home in 3 years with 20% down payment. That’s a SMART goal but to get you there you better draft a sound plan. In this case, you need to know things like: Target Amount: Amount needed for the goal using today’s dollars. If your goal is to make a 20 percent down payment on a home valued at $100,000 today, you would need $20,000 for the down payment. Target Dates: Enter the year or date when you want to reach your goal, say 2011. Start out Amount: If you have $10,000 saved in a money market account, you may decide to allocate half of it to the down payment. In this case, you would write $5,000 under Current Assets. Gap: Indicate the gap between the cost of each goal and the assets you have allocated, in our example $15,000. Number of Years to Target Date: Enter the number of years between now and your target date, which is 3 years. Amount to Be Saved Each Year: Divide the difference by the number of years to the target date. That amount you need to save each year to reach your goal is $5,000 a year. Coming up with $5,000 for a year might be a tough deal. Try to split it monthly. You can then start a savings plan to save around $420 per month to get to $5,000 a year. The next and important step in the financial planning is executing the plan. Ready, Set and Go: Take Action Open a savings account or an add-on CD to put away a fixed amount every month. Or setup an automatic debit from your checking account to this savings account. This way you don’t have to do it manually. Finally stick to the plan rain or shine and you are sure to reap its rewards. |