Bigger India

A Senate Inquiry is Investigating Dowry Related Abuse in Australia

Public submissions are being sought for Australia's Senate inquiry into dowry abuse as politicians explore their options for tackling the often devastating impacts of the problem.

An Indian-born woman, who agreed to speak with SBS if her voiced was disguised, says she plans to share the darkest memories of her year-long marriage with Australia’s inquiry into dowry abuse.

She says the dowry linked to her wedding led to horrendous abuse at the hands of her former husband.

“He was continuously abusing me, torturing me. At times, he used to beat me, asking me for more dowry. I cried. At times, I even felt like dying. But then I’d just think of my parents, my family, and I just gathered all my strength and said, ‘No, I cannot give up.”

Read it at SBS

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