Big Bucks For Big Ideas

Want to make a quick $100,000? All you need to do is write 175 words – that’s $571 and 43 cents a word! Yes, even if the word is ‘a’, ‘the’ or ‘and’! But those 175 words have to tell the befuddled U.S. Government how to compete with India and China in preserving jobs! The contest sponsored by the Service Employees International Union is looking for bright ideas that will help the economy grow, encourage existing companies to expand and create well-paying jobs. The winning idea will be worth $100,000 and two runners-up will bag prizes of $50,000 each.
“In Washington, D.C., we are still living in the last century in an industrial revolution,” says SEIU President Andrew Stern. “India and China are in overdrive and America is in neutral.” So if your 175 words can outline the problem and give the blueprint for solving it, you may not only get America moving again, but also drive yourself to a cool $100,000. |