Achal | December 25, 2017Fired Indian Tech Workers Turn to Chatbots for Counseling
The upheaval in India's $154 billion tech outsourcing industry has prompted thousands of Indians to seek solace in...
Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017India’s anthem is beautiful but the fight over it is getting ugly
I absolutely love India’s national anthem and can be unabashedly maudlin about the hope and pride it triggers...
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017The Self Portrait of a Cricket Fan
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017Hundreds of fatherless brides in India tie the knot as diamond tycoon funds their weddings in a mass celebration
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017Inside the McDonald’s-Vikram Bakshi controversy
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017Trump tax cut to make India subsidiaries of US firms less competitive
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017Babus must disclose cash sent by NRI kids
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017It’s time UK stepped up to India’s retail revolution
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017In limbo, Indian ID card hits Indian expats in the pocket
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Chetna Kapoor | December 25, 2017India Ranks Fifth Most Vacation Deprived Country