The Islamic State group has threatened to carry lone-wolf terror attacks in India. An audio clip in Malayalam, claiming to be from the terror outfit, has surfaced where a group leader can be heard asking followers to carry out lone-wolf attacks, like the Las Vegas shooting, during Kumbh Mela or Thrissur Pooram festivals.
The male voice in this 10-minute audio clip is believed to be of Rashid Abdullah, the leader of the Kasargod IS module, Outlook reported. Abdullah had left the county and joined the outfit in Afghanistan. The audio clip was sent through the Telegram app and the male voice is heard quoting threatening of attacks on India. He also claimed this to be the 50th such clip issued by Daulatul Islam — a regional ISIS outfit.
“You use your intellect. Poison them in food. Use trucks. Drive over them at Thrissur Pooram or at Maha Kumbh Mela. IS Mujahideen are doing it in several parts of the world. In Las Vegas, one of our supporters killed many people at a music concert. At least you should try to derail a train. Or use a knife,” the male voice in the clip said, according to the report. “If you are not able to do that despite your prayers and efforts, then you should financially support Daulatul Islam and Islamic State,” it adds. The male voice makes clear references to the Las Vegas shooting on Oct. 1, where many innocent people were gunned down by a person during a music concert.
The Kerala Police found the message in Malayalam a few weeks ago. A police team from Kannur and the National Investigation Agency (NIA) have verified the message, the New Indian Express reported.
Officials were reported to be analyzing the message. Abdullah has been chargesheeted under IPC section 120B r/w 125 and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) Sections 38,39 and 40. An Interpol Red Notice has also been issued against him.
“This is very serious,” V Balachandran, former special director of Cabinet Secretariat, said in response to the audio clip, Outlook reported. “They are going to take the battle to India from Europe and the Middle East.”
In March 2017, another pro-Islamic state terrorist group, Ahwaal Ummat, threatened that Taj Mahal could be a possible target. In 2015, a countrywide investigation caught several people who were alleged members of the Islamic State group. According to reports, around 100 Indians are believed to have joined the terrorist organization.