Indians are behind almost a quarter of all immigrant start-ups in America.
A study, American Made: The Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Professionals on US Competitiveness released by the National Venture Capital Association, found that 1 in 4 of all venture-backed U.S. companies that went public in the past 15 years were started by immigrants. The combined market capitalization of these immigrant-started companies exceeds $500 billion and includes such well-known brands as Google, eBay, Yahoo and Sun Microsystems. 22 percent of these public companies had immigrant founders from India. They were followed by Israel at 12% and Taiwan at 11%. The next time groups such as Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) mobilize to barricade the American borders, (they are currently advocating an “immigration time out,” shutting off virtually all immigration) they might give thought to the possibility that the web technology and services they are deploying for their campaign might not exactly be American Made.
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