Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu is denying she engaged in sexual banter with former Samajwadi leader Amar Singh. The 2006 conversations were disclosed after the Indian Supreme Court lifted its five-year-old gag order on the tapes. In one tape, allegedly conversing with Bipasha, Amar Singh says age “matters between the legs.” Singh is especially taken to legs, it seems. In another conversation with a fellow politician Jaya Prada, he says, “I like your legs. You are keeping that also nicely for me.”
Talking to Bipasha
Bipasha Basu: Now tell me, when are you meeting me?
Amar Singh: Where do you want to see baby? I am very busy.
B: OK sweetie …
A: Very nice of you to have remembered me.
B: Yeah, I always remember you.
A: Old person like me?
B: I’m sorry!
A: I said, old man like me..
B: Old man like you …
A: Yes, yes …
B: I do not think age really matters…
A: It matters between the legs.
B: (laughs loudly) Oh God … You try to get some time. We have not met for a month now.
A: Yes, ok ok . We shall meet.
Misdirected GPS
CNN’s GPS host Fareed Zakaria is being criticized for holding foreign policy discussions with President Obama after he disclosed their “face-to-face meetings” on the program “In The Arena.” In a statement Zakaria defended the meetings: “The characterization that I have been ‘advising’ President Obama is inaccurate. Over the last few months I’ve had a couple of conversations with the president, off-the-record. At no point did Pres. Obama ask me for advice on a specific policy or speech or proposal, nor did I volunteer it. I know that he has had similar meetings with other columnists.”
Pharma Karma
A New Jersey couple, Nita Patel, 47, and her husband, Harshad, 53, pleaded guilty to selling $2.5 million worth of counterfeit drugs manufactured in India to U.S. customers.
The couple negotiated to sell more than 300,000 tablets of counterfeit drugs to an undercover officer, including the erectile dysfunction drugs, Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, as well as Abilify, a drug used in the treatment of schizophrenia, the anti-depressant Lexapro, and Plavix, an anti-coagulant.
They face 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine